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Salmon and Kale Fishcakes

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  • 2 eggs
  • 1 fillet of salmon (150g)
  • 1 baked potato
  • 40g kale
  • breadcrumbs


  1. Cook the salmon fillet in some foil in the oven for 15 minutes if using fresh or according to pack instructions if using cook from frozen. You could also use tinned salmon.
  2. Once cooked, put the salmon in a bowl and flake with a fork.
  3. Meanwhile cook a baked potato in he microwave for five minutes. Once cooked mash in a bowl and then add to the salmon.
  4. Grind up 40g of kale and add to the potato and salmon. Instead of kale at this point you can add a wide range of veg.
  5. Season the mixture to taste and then mix it all together, cracking one egg into it to bind.
  6. Using a tablespoon, scoop out the mixture and roll into balls. You should be able to create eight balls.
  7. Place the balls in the refrigerator for 30 minutes or so to solidify.
  8. Crack an egg into a bowl and mix it. In another bowl pour in some breadcrumbs. Roll the balls one by one in the egg mixture and then the breadcrumbs until coated.
  9. Place the balls into a frying pan and flatten slightly with the back of your spoon to create the fishcake shape. Cook for 5 minutes on medium-high heat before flipping and cooking for a further 4-5 minutes.
  10. Allow to sufficiently cool before serving to baby.