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6 Great Ways to Help Your Older Dog Thrive and Live Its Best Life

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When you welcome a happy and energetic puppy into the home, none of us think about the long road ahead. With so much of your time being taken up tending to your dog, showering them with love, and being at their beck and call, the years can quickly flash before your eyes. And just like that, your dog has entered its golden era.

For older dogs, there are changes you’ll need to make to keep them happy, healthy, and full of life. From what foods you put in their bowl to changing the types of exercise they do, here are some great changes you can make to ensure your older dog gets the most out of life.

Provide An Age-Appropriate Diet

Proper nutrition is essential for the well-being of your older dog. Throughout the years, you’re bound to have given your beloved pooch treats or leftovers from your dinner. However, while you may want to do this even more as they’re nearing the end of their life, it’s wise to refrain and stick with an age-appropriate diet. Doing so is what will keep them by your side for longer. Aside from changing their diet, there are natural dog supplements from ProDog Raw that can be beneficial for their ageing needs. Their healthy dog supplements ensure your pooch is getting all the vitamins and minerals they require.

Maintain Oral Health

Excellent dental hygiene is crucial for your pooch’s overall health, particularly as they get older. This is because dental issues can cause pain, problems eating, and systemic infections. Now is the time to grab a dog toothbrush and get brushing their gnashers! If your pooch isn’t the biggest fan of you opening their mouth, you can hand over dental chews instead. Your vet can also give professional dental cleanings for your dog too.

See Your Vet Regularly

For older dog owners, make sure you’re seeing your vet often. This is crucial for your older dog’s overall health. The reason for this is simple – older dogs are more prone to numerous health conditions, including dental problems, heart disease, and arthritis. Thorough vet check-ups will mean any potential health concerns can be caught and addressed early on. Make sure you use these appointments as an opportunity to voice any worries you may have. Your vet can provide additional guidance on ways to support your pooch during their golden years too.

Factor In Exercise

A decline in mobility is inevitable as your dog gets older. When they first came into your home, your dog may have been itching to get out the door for walks 24/7. However, once they reach old age, you may find they prefer to stay slumped on the sofa. It’s important to choose low-impact activities that are gentle on your dog’s aging body. For example, rather than going on long walks, it may be best to stick to a walk around the block. To keep their joints in check, make sure to provide soft bedding for your pooch.

Provide Mental Stimulation

Keeping your older dog’s mind active is just as important as physical activity. Engage them in mentally stimulating exercises, like puzzle toys, obedience training, and treat-dispending games. Such activities can be enormously helpful in keeping their cognitive abilities sharp. What’s more, these exercises will stop your dog from getting bored, and provide a sense of purpose too.

Maintain a Comfortable Living Environment

As your dog gets older, he or she may want to have more time away to rest and unwind. If this is the case, make sure you create a comfortable and safe living environment. Giving them a quiet and warm spot where they can rest undisturbed is a must. To alleviate any discomfort caused by joint issues, look into orthopaedic bedding too. Also, make sure their food and water bowl can be accessed with ease. You may find you need to install steps or a ramp to help your pooch reach higher surfaces like the sofa or bed. Little changes like this can make getting around far easier for your beloved pet.

Give Unconditional Love and Attention

Finally (and unsurprisingly), giving your older dog lots of love and affection can go a long way in helping them get the most out of their final years. Make sure to factor in lots of time where you can spend quality time together. Also, offer gentle petting, regular grooming sessions, and soothing massages. Most importantly, you’ll want them to feel cherished and part of the family, especially during their golden years.

As your beloved canine companion navigates through life, starts sporting grey hairs, and gets older, it’s your job to adapt your care routine to meet their challenging needs. To give t

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