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Five Effective Ways to Solve an Anagram

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The ability to quickly rearrange a set of letters to make a meaningful word always helps. It can help you in games like Boggle, Scrabble, cryptic crosswords, word puzzles, and anagrams.

Anagram is more of a skill than a game in itself. You can play it like a game, but it is a game-changer skill that comes in handy playing games like Scrabble.

So, how to improve your ability to solve anagrams? Do you have to follow a set of rules to become better at solving anagrams? Let us find out.

1) Reorganize the Anagram

Try to break up the anagram by writing down all the letters in a different pattern. It is not worth it to keep looking at the same letters in the same pattern repeatedly. You will not find a new pattern or word by doing this.

You can try to write them in different shapes like a circle, square, rectangle, etc. Here is how to do it.

1) Draw a shape (I prefer a circle) and write the jumbled letters around it. It will make it easier for your to pick up meaningful words quickly,

2) Writing letters in a circular shape is successful because you can spin your sheet or notebook to get a new perspective on the words and letters,

3) Try to constantly rearrange your letters because it gives you more ways to look at different groupings. A new and fresh viewpoint never goes wrong in solving an anagram.

2) Use a Word Generator

You can use a word generator if you still can not find a pattern or meaningful words. Word generators/solvers/builders are a great way to learn new words and solve anagrams quickly. A word generator can help you a lot in winning Scrabble or Boggle. You can use any random word generator to improve your vocabulary too.

3) Put letters together in common pairings. 

You can make meaningful words if you do not want to use a word generator. You can start the process by making small pairs. For instance, you can put the letter H after letters like S and P to make words start or end with Sh and Ph.

You can usually find the letter H after letters like G, W, P, T, and S. After isolating these smaller pairs, you will find it easier to unscramble the anagram.

4) Make different columns

You can make different columns of consonants, vowels, prefixes, and suffixes. You can start by writing consonants in a different way than they are in the anagram. Now, try inserting vowels into these combinations to see if you can make new words or groupings. 

You can also try to pair vowels like OU, IE, or EA if the anagram has mostly consonants. You can also try to remember triple vowels because they are rare. Some common examples are silhouette, beautiful, alien, potato, Indian, etc. 

Making a different column to write down prefixes and suffixes is also significantly useful. After writing these, it will be easier to find pairings to make a meaningful word.

Some most asked prefixes are un, ab, de, in, ex, ad, etc. and some most asked suffixes are ly, ing, ous, ed, ry, ment, tion, etc. You can shuffle them to make new words. For example, you can make re-paint from the same letters as the word painter.

5) Practice

Practice as much as you can. You might find it a little funny, but playing games like Scrabble with different opponents always gives a new dimension to the way you play.

It also gives you new strategies and words you won’t forget easily. You do not need to be afraid of losing because it is the best way to learn things.

You can also tell your family members and friends to be more competitive with you to improve your game.

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