The big news from this week? I finally have a 16 week midwife appointment! Yay! T rang me on Friday so say she had organised me to see another midwife called M in a surgery near to where I live. Happy days for me but I do have some concerns that when I turn up I’ll be faced with a receptionist who is going to tell me I’m not a patient there so can’t see her, but we shall see! I’m just glad to finally have got it sorted.
The other big news is that I’ve started feeling the first few flutters of baby kicking! It’s been a lot easier to know they’re baby kicks this time as I know what to look out for and it simply feels like I have a twitch in my belly! I felt the first couple in a meeting I went to on Wednesday and felt more the next day when I was lying on my stomach!
My belly feels like it has a big bump but of course when I look in the mirror it just looks like I’ve had a little too many burritos! By the end of each day the top half of my belly is really firm and my belly button is popped out! I’ve noticed I’ve got tiny stretch marks around my belly button but I’m wondering if they’re from last time and I just hasn’t noticed before because they only become noticeable when my belly is stretched.
I haven’t felt ill or anything this week and my pelvis has been a lot better. I spent a lot of time as a passenger in a car over the weekend while we went to London and that gave me a big rest. On Sunday it was as if I’d never had pelvic problems before! The pain got worse as the week wore on but it has been manageable which I’m really thankful for. The lift is broken again so I’m having to navigate the stairs daily but Dex is getting so much better at walking down them which really helps.