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Pregnancy Diary: Week 17

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A bit of a quiet week this week, not very much to report at all.

Baby is now about the size of a pomegranate and although some days my bump feels huge to me, it’s still pretty hard to tell I’m pregnant, unless you know our good news.

I’ve been feeling a bit down this week wondering how Dexter will cope when the new baby comes and hoping I haven’t made a mistake. I know that sounds completely ridiculous but I have felt some really bad anxiety that I am letting him down even though I do truly believe a sibling is the best thing for him. I feel guilty that I am taking his Mummy and Daddy away from him and hope I will be able to split my time effectively when the new baby arrives.

I’ve had a few bad days of pelvic pain but on the whole things haven’t been too bad. When it hits though, it’s pretty insufferable. The pain radiates from my leg socket and down my thigh while my pubic area feels as though it’s been kicked and bruised. My lady parts are severely swollen and that is playing a part in making me think, what have I let myself in for?!

The baby has been moving lots and the kicks are very low down. At the moment they feel like little gas bubbles popping or tiny twitches but they are definitely there, despite someone telling me it was WAY too early for me to feel them!

I’ve also booked my whooping cough vaccination for next week so that baby will be protected before his immunisations at eight weeks old. I remember it hurting like hell last time so that’s something else to look forward to!

You can read my previous pregnancy updates here.

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