The US has one of the highly acclaimed education systems, at least shown by the number of expatriates seeking higher education in the US. It is home to some of the world’s top institutions of higher learning. While the education system in the US is held in high esteem, there are myriad challenges that students need to look out for when researching for schools. Here are the pros and cons of the education system in the US. Let’s start with the pros first.
Cultural diversity
The number of international students in the US continues to increase each year. International students comprise over 32% of the student population, which is an important factor in enhancing cultural diversity. US colleges are full of students from Africa, Asia, Europe, and Latin America taking different courses and sharing diverse reasoning. International students have limitless opportunities in the USA. While taking advantage of these opportunities, they can get assistance from the research paper writing service EduBirdie. It is a great platform where students can get professional help with their thesis done by qualified writers. Students can also get their research paper done with as low as $13.5.
Students have the opportunity to apply to any course they have an interest in. students can even learn for two years in undergrad, and if not fulfilled by the course, they have an option to change. Flexibility also comes in the sense that they can participate in different extracurricular activities and even take up part-time jobs while still in school.
Highly ranked schools
The US is home to some of the best institutions of higher learning, and getting admission for many students is a guarantee to a successful life. Universities and colleges have high regard for the quality and experience they offer to students. Just take a look at any study done on college rankings across the world. At least 40% of schools are from the US.
Amazing student life
The US certainly guarantees a great student experience as students are not only guaranteed quality education but they also get an opportunity to interact and expand their social networks. Learning is practice-based, and students get to interact with different individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds. This is an important way to develop a liberal mind that tolerates diversity. Campus life also has amenities like clubs, restaurants, and different outdoor activities in the cities.
Let’s talk of the cons now.
High tuition
High costs of tuition are a big challenge many students face when applying to study in the US. While scholarships may help, only a small number of students benefit from the highly competitive programs. Student aid like loans are also limited and have high-interest rates. Many students have to think twice before considering taking student loans as jobs are also not guaranteed, or the years it takes to repay.
High cost of admission
This is a key deterrent for many students from pursuing their dreams. Besides having a strong academic background, one needs to be proficient in English. They pay an admission fee which in most cases is non-refundable and doesn’t guarantee being given an admission letter. Students are also required to meet many other requirements like excelling in extracurricular activities besides good grades.
Limited access to social benefits
International students have a challenge of getting certain social benefits that their domestic counterparts enjoy while living in the US. Social security and heal care remain a big challenge for many international students. This is still a challenge for many local students. Students have to go through various hurdles to gain access to this service because there are many requirements. Getting a social security number requires so much paperwork, and it may take long before students can get one. Without an SSN, students cannot access social benefits.
Too much diversity
While diversity is significant for many colleges, this also has the effect of creating an imbalance in the education system. This is because education may differ from state to state leading to divergences in quality. The imbalance in education will affect students when they leave college to the job market as employers favor certain schools. While applying for a college, ensure the school has a system that will not disenfranchise you when you begin looking for work.
The US education system is highly acclaimed and recognized all across the globe. Many international students consider the US one of the top destinations for higher education. Students experience great cultural diversity, get quality education and have an enhanced student experience. This still comes with high tuition, and admission and social services are hard to come by.
Author’s Bio
Connie Elser is an online tutor working for a student coaching agency that prepares college students in various soft skills to help them build strong careers in the corporate sector. She teaches them communication skills, writing skills and delivering presentations. Her hobbies include ice hockey, reading fiction and relaxing on the beach.