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Smashed Avocado on Baguette – A Simple Brunch Recipe

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Us Mums have a habit of always putting ourselves last. I can vividly remember the days when I was weaning both my babies and I’d be busy in the kitchen whipping up delicious creations for them, but neglecting to fuel myself with good food that would keep me happy and healthy. That’s where this smashed avocado on baguette comes in.

Simple to whip up and deliciously healthy, this simple brunch recipe will keep you fuelled while you’re running around after your little ones. It takes less than ten minutes from start to finish and thanks to the filling properties of avocado, it’ll keep you full for ages! Perfect when you’re busy running around cleaning bottles or stuck under a baby who is contact napping!

Simple avocado recipe for busy mums

Using only three simple ingredients (plus some seasoning from your store cupboard), this avocado baguette recipe truly is so easy to make.

Simply mash the avocado with a little lemon juice, add some seasoning and once your baguette is grilled, top with the yummy avocado. Delish!

smashed avocado on baguette topped with chilli

Why should we eat avocados?

I’ve talked loads about why avocados are such a great good for babies before, but they’re also amazing for Mums too.

Avocados are definitely a superfood and jam packed with nutritious elements that protect our body in several different ways. I recently read that they’re amazing for cervical health and by eating an avocado every day you can protect your cervix from cell changes that can lead to cancer. With cervical cancer being such a high risk cancer for women who have had babies – this had me sold immediately!

Avocados also help to protect against heart disease and lower blood pressure thanks to their monounsaturated fat content. They contain potassium, folate and fibre, all of which benefit the heart and cardiovascular system.

More benefits include:

  • Vitamin K – this essential vitamin helps our blood to clot
  • Folate – helps the body make essential red blood cells
  • Vitamin C – helps the immune system to function properly
  • Potassium – helps to regulate the balance of fluids in the body
  • Vitamin B5 – helps convert food into energy
  • Vitamin E – a powerful antioxidant that helps protect cells
  • Lutein – important for eye health

Smashed avocado on baguette

Although the image shows a knife and fork, one of the reasons I love this recipe is because I can eat it with my hands! Using a baguette instead of normal bread means that it doesn’t go soggy and can be devoured with one hand while you’re using the other hand to complete whatever task you were in the middle of!

This smashed avocado on baguette recipe can be eaten while you’re washing bottle with the other hand, rocking the baby swing or helping your toddler to colour in. Win win!

smashed avocado on baguette
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Smashed Avocado on Baguette

avocado on baguette

Simple, yet delicious smashed avocado on baguette. A seriously tasty, yet incredibly easy brunch idea, supercharged with healthy fats that will keep you sated until dinner time.

Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 5 minutes
Total Time 10 minutes


  • 1 avocado
  • 1/3 of a baguette
  • 1/2 lemon
  • salt
  • pepper
  • chilli flakes


  1. Slice your baguette in half and pop under the grill for a couple of minutes on each side.
  2. Meanwhile, in a bowl, mash your avocado, add a squeeze of lemon and add salt, pepper and chilli flakes to taste.
  3. Combine thoroughly and mash with a fork until completely smashed and ready to spread.
  4. Once the baguette is browned, remove from the grill and top with your smashed avocado using a knife to spread it evenly.
  5. Garnish with some extra chilli flakes if you like heat.
Dexter and Nicola in the park

Author: Nicola Hughes

Nicola has weaned both of her boys using the baby led weaning method. She loves nothing better than creating simple recipes that anyone can recreate, using as few ingredients as possible. All of her recipes have been tried and tested by both Dexter and Felix and have their seal of approval!

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