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What age should baby move from moses basket to cot?

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If you’ve started to wonder what age should baby move from moses basket to cot, you’re probably full of mixed emotions. On the one hand, your baby is growing up and learning new skills every day. On the other hand, time is flying by and you’re already considering the next step in their sleep schedule. 

The good news is that when considering what age should baby move from moses basket to cot, most experts agree that the 4 months mark is a good age to start introducing your baby to their cot. At this age, it’s likely you will have noticed your baby moving around by themselves, trying to push themselves up, and generally creating a lot of movement. Due to your baby’s increased mobility, transitioning them from a moses basket to cot helps to keep them safe, as well as allowing them plenty of room to safely explore movement. 

Felix in his baby chair with Dexter sat in front of him smiling

How to transition baby from moses basket to cot

Like all milestones in parenthood, transitioning from a moses basket to a cot can take some time for your baby to get used to. Pondering at what age should baby move from moses basket to cot should cover many factors associated with your child’s development, and not just a number. Even if you’re ready, your baby may not yet be fully onboard with the process. It’s therefore important to consider some of the tips below before taking the plunge and transitioning your baby from a moses basket to a cot.

  • Take it slowly
  • Consider using a baby sleeping bag
  • Learn some distraction techniques
  • Keep it familiar

Let’s take a look at each point in turn.

Felix's bedroom with grey and turquoise mountains on the wall, a big white cot and turquoise curtains

Take it slowly.

It’s normal to wonder what age should baby move from moses basket to cot, but there are a few things to consider before making the jump completely. The first thing you need to think about when transitioning from moses basket to cot is how stressful this can be for your baby. It’s a big change, therefore it’s vital that you take things slow. Start by playing in the room where your baby will be sleeping during the day and ensuring that your baby is familiar with their cot. Next, you can start to place your baby down for their naps in their cot, and eventually you can move on to putting your baby down to sleep in their cot. Remember that the process is strange and unsettling for your baby, so take it slowly and remain patient. 

Consider using a baby sleeping bag.

Familiarity is a key factor to consider, as well as asking yourself what age should baby move from moses basket to cot? It doesn’t matter how old you baby is when you make the transition; if they’re not familiar with their surroundings, it’s unlikely to go well. Moving them from one room that they’ve known their whole life to another that’s completely different will definitely throw your baby off kilter if they do not feel safe and snug. Before the transition, try introducing baby sleeping bags as a way to keep your baby safe and snug during the night. Baby sleeping bags are a great alternative to blankets and offer a wonderful safe and comforting way to keep your baby feeling safe when sleeping. Baby sleeping bags are like a great big cuddle making them a good choice for babies transitioning from moses basket to cot and looking for a bit of extra reassurance.

Felix with a windy smile leaning his head on his right arm

Learn some good distraction techniques.

Did you buy a baby mobile when you were pregnant? Maybe you were gifted one? Or perhaps you’ve seen one in the shops that would look great in your baby’s bedroom…Well here’s some great news – now is the time to get it! Distractions are great for taking baby’s mind off stressful situations and can help to settle anxious little minds. Cot mobiles, projecting lights, and soft soothing sounds are all great distraction methods that can help to settle your baby.

Keep it familiar. 

No matter your views on what age should baby move from moses basket to cot, there’s one thing that’s undeniable: baby’s love familiarity. When transitioning your baby from their moses basket to their cot, it’s best to keep as many things the same as possible. Stick to using the same white noise as before, or offering them their favourite dummy. Take their favourite mobile with them and keep the bedding the same.

Felix as a newborn baby asleep with his arm alongside his head

It’s important to remain consistent.

Consistency is key when it comes to transitioning your baby from their moses basket to a cot. It’s unrealistic to expect your baby to automatically take to their new cot, especially if they’ve not spent much time playing and exploring the cot beforehand. Your baby is likely to cry and be unsettled during the transition, but try to remember that staying consistent with your bedtime routine will help with the process. 

What to do if you’re still struggling.

If you have looked at the tips above and you’re still struggling to transition from moses basket to cot, the best thing to do is to just delay the process for a couple of weeks. Do not put yourself and your baby under additional stress when you could simply stick with the moses basket for a few more weeks and try again. It’s also a good idea to get your partner or other family members involved in the transition to ensure that no one person remains constantly responsible for the transitional process. 

Felix fast asleep as a newborn

what age should baby move from moses basket to cot

If you’ve found yourself wondering what age should baby move from moses basket to cot, this blog post should have clarified some details for you.

Babies can start to transition from moses basket to cot at around 4 months old, or when they start to try and push themselves up and move around. Changing your baby’s sleep routine from using a moses basket to a cot probably isn’t going to be a quick process, however with patience and consistency, you’ll get there in the end.

Remember that if you’re struggling, don’t get stressed out. If things aren’t working, simply go back to your normal routine and try again in a few weeks. 

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