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How to teach your kids to write essays

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It is always a thing of joy when you see your kids joining words together to form sentences. But advancing their base knowledge to put their thoughts in words requires more than word formation. 

Even to professional writers, writing a succinct and flawless essay is daunting. As a result, mere hearing of essay writing puts fear into kids’ hearts. However, knowing how to write an essay is essential for their future education. Essay writing breeds creativity and thought in your kids. It helps them to put their ideas in words.

While the school can try to help in shaping the writing skills, there isn’t always enough time for kids to practice these skills. As a parent, this is where you come in to augment the school effort and teach your kids how to write essays. Below are 7 basic steps that you can take to teach your kids how to write a readable essay.

  • Familiarize them with the basics

Every advanced concept requires the knowledge of the basics. To write essays, your kids need to have basic knowledge of spelling, punctuation, tenses, and grammar. Before you dive into teaching your kids how to write essays, ask yourself, are they familiar with the basics? Once they grasp the basic building blocks of essay writing, you can begin to teach them the thesis – explain to them what a thesis statement is and how it can affect the flow of their essays. 

Also, teach them about researching essay topics and how to gather information to write their essays. Tell them about the danger of plagiarism. Be there for them whenever they need essay help. However, if you are too busy to teach them these basics, you can engage the service of an essay writing service company that would go through the basics with them.

  • Tell them the advantage of making an outline.

Teach your kids how easy their essay writings would be if they had a prepared outline. An outline is a detailed step-by-step guide to writing an impeccable essay. Encourage them to think through what they want to write about and how they want to approach the writing. Having an outline allows them to hit the nail on the head and not go out of context. Mostly, an outline contains an introduction, main points, and conclusion. With this, they would have a roadmap to follow when writing their essay.

  • Galvanize them to read

One of the best ways for your children to get a flow of ideas for their writings is to encourage them to read. Aside from getting information from reading, they also learn how professional writers connect words together.  If you want to assign them an essay topic, provide relevant articles and let them sink it in. Also, give them the power to find related articles on their own. By reading more on their assigned topics, they would be well informed to write great essays.

  • Tell them to practice.

Writing is a skill that is acquired through constant practicing. Even if your kids consume a lot of reading materials without putting what they have learned into action, it will just be a story on the lips. 

Enhance their writing prowess by making them practice what they have learned. You can find an article for them to read and tell them to rewrite it in their own words. You can even test their inner thoughts by assigning them topics and telling them to write essays on them with maximum word counts. This boosts their creativity and adaptability to time frames.

  • Discuss Trending Issues With Them

If you are still trying to figure out how to teach your kids to write essays. Why not try discussing trending issues with them? It could be on the dining table after dinner or on weekends when you are available. Brainstorm ideas with them and ask them for their views. Ask them to write about trending topics and give them clues on how to go about it. 

  • Leverage the power of technology

Leverage the power of technology to help your kids become better essay writers. Though technology could be distracting to them, it could also fire up creativity in your kids. 

Familiarize them with educational apps and websites that would help them build their creativity level. Many of them are free to use, while some require paying a few bucks to access. For instance, comb YouTube to get videos about essay writings, let them watch the videos, and practice whatever they have learned.

Alternatively, introduce them to the best college essay writing services, such as EssayGeeks, to learn how to write well if you are incapable of teaching them. Support your kids in cash and kinds, and help them polish their essay writing.


Building your kids’ essay writing prowess would be beneficial to them in the future. This is because essay writing forms part of what they will encounter in their educational sojourn. Use these six tips to fire up your kids’ creativity to write a better and more compelling essay.

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