Having a warm home is normally at the top of most peoples’ lists come the end of summer. There are several ways that you can go about this. Some methods might involve you investing some money and time into your home, while others can involve just a little bit of ingenuity. Warming up your home, other than with your radiator or other heating elements, can also help save you money on fuel bills, and give you a better level of comfort overall…
Service the Boiler
If you have not already done so, it may be a good idea to have your boiler serviced prior to the winter months. It is best to expect that boiler repair technicians will be busy in colder seasons, as more people will want to use their heating systems, so planning ahead can be beneficial. You can then get any issues rectified in a more relaxed manner, rather than needing to panic and wonder “why is my boiler losing pressure” in time periods when engineers will be busier – emergency call out fees could subsequently be higher. This can also help to give you peace of mind that you will not have to deal with the cold in your home for the months ahead.
Use Extra Insulation
You may be losing warmth from your windows during colder periods. To help insulate them, but still allow that all-important light to reach your home, you can create your own insulation using bubble wrap. This can simply involve cutting a sheet of bubble wrap that is the same size as your window, and affixing it. Using non-permanent fixing methods, such as by spraying the window with a light mist of water, pushing on the bubble wrap, and leaving it to self-adhere, you can then remove it once the weather starts to warm up again, leaving your window with no marks or damage from your money and heat saving technique.
Remove Draughts from Doors
The underside of your doors can allow draughts to seep into your home, which can cause chills. To prevent this, you can add draught-proofing sets to your doors. If you do not have the time to do this, or do not trust your handiwork capabilities, you can also by draughts stoppers, which can come in the form of animals or patterns, that you place behind doors to catch most of the draught before it can enter your home. The effects of draughts can vary, with some finding they get toothaches or headaches as a result of the moving air, while others may suffer more severe complications, such as meningitis.
Looking after your home is the best way to keep yourself warm as the weather gets colder. Making changes and ensuring that maintenance is carried out regularly can save you money and keep your home at a comfortable temperature to suit you. You can also save money by wrapping up in more layers, or using a blanket, when in your home, as opposed to turning up the heating.