Thinking about purchasing a SodaStream Sparkling water maker? This comprehensive SodaStream Spirit review will let you know the ins and outs of all the features and benefits!
As a Mum on maternity leave, one thing I am truly guilty of is not drinking enough throughout the day. I tend to be so busy running after a now crawling Felix and trying to keep up with my madcap toddler that drinking water is the last thing on my mind. By the time the kids are in bed and I finally sit down for the first time that day, I suddenly realise how thirsty I am and find myself chugging whatever I can get my hands on – usually fizzy colas.
When SodaStream offered to send us their new SodaStream Spirit to review, I jumped at the chance. Finally, an easy way to access fizzy water while I’m looking after the kids, without worrying about the environmental impact bottled waters make. It’s also a lovely novelty for the toddler who has rarely had fizzy drinks since he was born thanks to my strict rules of sticking to water and milk only.
Who are SodaStream?
Of course you must have heard of SodaStream, right? I’ve wanted one of these machines since I was a little girl after seeing the advert for their products on TV.
Founded in 1903 in England, SodaStream is now owned by PepsiCo and its headquarters are based in Israel. As well as manufacturing the home carbonation systems, SodaStream also sell over 100 different types of syrups and flavourings to add to the fizzy water to create whatever flavour your heart desires!
Buy your own SodaStream Spirit here – Now less than £80 on Amazon.
How does the SodaStream Spirit work?
Setting up your SodaStream Spirit is as easy as 1-2-3! There are no wires or need to plug it in, you simply install the carbon dioxide cartridge, fill the bottle full of tap water and then press the button on top to add the fizz! Depending on how fizzy you like it, you can press and hold it 3-7 times – of course I like mine as fizzy as possible!

Buy your own SodaStream Spirit here – Now less than £80 on Amazon.
The SodaStream bottle comes with a secure screw lid so you can store your freshly fizzed water in the fridge and it won’t go flat!l. The bottle is the perfect size for taking out with you in a picnic basket or to the gym if that’s your thing!
What do we love about our SodaStream Sparkling Water Maker?
- We can massively reduce our usage of plastic by using this machine to carbonate our drinks instead of buying packaged colas, carbonated waters etc
- The carbon dioxide canister can make up to 60L of fizzy drinks before needing to be replaced
- The SodaStream doesn’t require electricity to run so can be used on the go and also is environmentally friendly in that aspect.
- The flavourings provide a healthy alternative to your usual sugary fizzy drinks which contain lots of other nasties too.
- The design is sleek and stylish and fits right in with the rest of our kitchen.

Where can you buy your own SodaStream Spirit?
Available from the SodaStream website for around £90 or check out Amazon for amazing deals on the machine, spare bottles and flavourings.
We hope you enjoyed this SodaStream Spirit review. Let us know if you decide to try one for yourself!