Felix’s 4 Month Update
Felix you are four months old! So much has changed since the last update, I can’t believe how much you grow every single day. Here is what’s new now you …
Felix you are four months old! So much has changed since the last update, I can’t believe how much you grow every single day. Here is what’s new now you …
Happy three months to my little man Felix! Another month which has passed by in the blink of an eye. Here is Felix’s 3 month baby update.
Felix turns two months old today. It has been the fastest two months of my life. I don’t know why, but when Dexter was a newborn the hours of each …
Today Felix turns one month old. Just as I did for Dexter, I plan to write a monthly update for Felix so we can look back and see how much …
On December 12th 2018, I gave birth to my second son Felix by water birth. I had attempted a water birth with my first son, Dexter, but things hadn’t quite …