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AD | Shifting the Baby Weight with DietBon Weight Loss Meals

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I’ve talked before on here about how I’ve not quite shifted the baby weight the same way as I did after having Dexter. A lack of willing, the fact I’m drinking alcohol this time and a general sort of ‘who gives a stuff‘ attitude means that nearly a year after giving birth, I’m still around 1.5 stone heavier than I was pre-pregnancy. I’m pretty content with how I look, but I do often feel a bit sad that so many of my favourite clothes no longer fit. I know that losing even half a stone would help me squeeze back into the majority of them, but with Felix still refusing the sleep through the night and having a crazy toddler to run around after, the idea of sticking to a diet I have planned and implemented myself does not feel that enticing and like far too much effort. I’m well aware of meal delivery services and weight loss meals and have always wanted to give one of them a try, however being on maternity leave usually means I put myself last. Every single penny always goes on the boys – funding exciting days out, buying new toys or simply just getting the groceries they enjoy eating- there never seems enough money left for me to get my hair done or treat myself to something that will make me feel better about myself such as a regime designed to help me lose weight.

Thankfully, this is where DietBon has stepped in. DietBon are a French company whose name literally means ‘good diet‘, although as a French speaker, I would be more likely to translate it as ‘tasty diet‘ which straight away got my attention because usually the connotations of being on a diet are dull, tasteless food that leave you wanting to stuff your face with other things.

DietBon do things a little bit different when it comes to following their regime. Firstly, they schedule you a call one with of their dieticians to ensure this plan is right for you. I had a call with Charlotte, a lovely English speaking dietician based on France who talked me through how the plan works and what exactly I hoped to achieve from it. For the purpose of this review, I was sticking to a seven day plan and she explained that during that time I could expect to lose 1-3lbs depending on what my usual intake was like and how much exercise I do.

What does the DietBon plan involve?

The plan is simple- you eat a breakfast, a main meal for lunch and dinner, one dessert and one snack. You do this for six days and the seventh day is free.

Charlotte the dietitian had explained on my call that the weekly DietBon plan is based on six days of sticking to their meal plan and a seventh ‘free’ day where you eat what you like, as long as you are sticking to the principles of three meals with healthy vegetables, small snacks and a limit on the dairy intake. It is definitely not an excuse to pig out on fast food or unhealthy treats. Luckily, the DietBon guide to success book which arrives with your delivery is jam packed full of yummy recipes for your free day.

Alongside the 100% natural meals and snacks which are delivered, the plan recommends you add two servings of fruit, two dairy products (150ml glass of semi or skimmed milk or a low fat yoghurt) and one serving of vegetables. They also recommend that the carbohydrate rich meals are eaten at lunch time with the lighter meals being consumed at dinner time.


For breakfast, I was given pancakes which I paired with fruit and a glass of milk.


Lunchtime for me was a carbohydrate rich DietBon slimming meal such as chicken tikka and rice alongside the fruit compote for dessert.


I was provided with lemon cakes as a snack which I ate alongside a low fat yoghurt.


For dinner I had a DietBon slimming meal with a portion of my favourite vegetables and a piece of fruit for dessert.

The DietBon Starter Plan is very flexible and if you feel like your hunger levels won’t cope with what it suggested you can talk to your dietitian who will alter the plan accordingly. Likewise, if you find you haven’t lost as much as weight as you’d hoped, your dietitian can advise if small changes can be made.

What are the meals like?

I was surprised to find that when the meals are delivered, they don’t need to be refrigerated right away which means they aren’t actually fresh. I was a little worried this might impact on the taste of them, but fortunately it did not. Over the six days I was lucky enough to sample:

  • Creamy vegetarian carrot and coconut soup

  • Spicy tomato and beef soup

  • Mini farfalle with chicken and sundried tomato salad

  • Chicken tikka massala with rice and quinoa

  • Mexican meatballs with pasta, vegetables and tomato sauce

  • Roast chicken fillet with mashed potatoes

  • Sautéed porked with diced vegetables and bacon

  • Salmon with vegetables and grains and a soya sauce

  • Chicken fillet with rice and almond sauce

  • Marengo veal

  • Conchiglie with pacific salmon and spinach

  • Ravioli stuffed with goat’s cheese pesto with a tomato and tofu sauce

Each dish can be prepared in the microwave or in a bain-marie (a pan of hot water in which you place the packet of food – very rarely used in the UK) so literally takes minutes, meaning no endless preperation of vegetables and meat and if you get hungry, you can eat pretty much immediately.

I enjoyed the taste of every meal that I had – even the ones which I would never ordinarily pick to eat. Was this because I was on a reduced amount of calories and really looking forward to eating each time meal time came around? Perhaps!

The portions are on the small side – of course you wouldn’t expect anything less from a calories controlled diet plan – but they were easily bulked up with vegetables on the side and I actually found that although I still felt hungry after finishing, after twenty minutes, this hunger had subsided!

Did I lose any weight?

I followed the plan exactly for one week and in that time I lost 3lbs. This wasn’t a huge surprise as I had reduced my calories by around 800 a day and I had substantially reduced my sodium intake meaning I was a lot less bloated. I stuck to drinking only water throughout the week which meant I was off to the loo every ten minutes, but I saw this as a positive.

Would I recommend DietBon?

I really enjoyed the meals and loved the simplicity of them. I found it so simple to cook them quickly in the microwave and it was helpful that they could be stored in the cupboard as opposed to taking up room in the fridge. I liked how easy the plan was to follow and the structure of it meaning I never went off track as I knew exactly what I was eating and when. I also appreciated having the support of the dietitian on the end of the phone or online if I needed her.

I wouldn’t like to do this plan for weeks on end as I did miss enjoying the home cooked food we usually enjoy. It was a great way for me to learn about portion sizes and a simple way for me to lose a few pounds, but for me it wouldn’t be a long term solution. The plan is quite pricey too. It starts at £44 a week which is around what we spend on food per week for a family of four. However, the plan did work in my case, so if I needed to lose a few pounds again in a simple way which is worked out for me, I think it would be a good investment – especially if I was working full time and had little time to plan and prep.

If you fancy giving DietBon a try, as well as a free 28-day Morning & Night detox tea cure, you can use the code WELCOME when clicking this link to secure 15% off your first order.

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