Leap 10 is the final leap in the Wonder Weeks book and app and my goodness, it’s a biggie. Wondering if surviving leap 10 is possible? Well, we managed to survive it and in the midst of a pandemic no less! Read on to find out all about our experience with Wonder Weeks leap 10!

What are leaps?
For those of you new to the term ‘leap’, it is a phrase coined by Wonder Weeks, all about developmental stages your baby/toddler goes through during the first 19 months of their lives.
The Wonder Weeks started off as a book, however I first discovered them as an app when Dex was only a few months old.
Revered by Mums all over the globe, Wonder Weeks finally give us an insight into our baby’s fussy periods and helps to understand how we can better help them to learn, develop and begin to understand the world around them.
Wondering why your baby or toddler suddenly seems fussy or doesn’t want to sleep after weeks of being content? Then consult The Wonder Weeks app by inputting your baby’s due date and you’ll have all the information to hand at the touch of a button.
Some people think mental leaps are a load of woo, but I disagree. The app has been spot on for both my boys and has given me incredible peace of mind when I’ve thought I was parenting wrong, only to discover they are ‘leaping’ and after a few days/weeks, everything is back to normal…for now.

Leap 10 – What can you expect?
Leap 10 follows Leap 9 and starts around 17 months after your baby’s due date so for us Felix hit this developmental stage at the beginning of June 2020 – right in the middle of lockdown!
According to the Wonder Week’s website:
your toddler gets the new ability to perceive and handle “systems”.
You’ll find that your baby’s conscience starts developing, but mostly you will find a lot of fussy behaviour and an annoying sleep regression to boot!

Leap 10 sleep regression
As if the 4 month sleep regression and 9 month sleep regression weren’t enough, leap 10 sleep regression reared its ugly head for a good couple of months.
In the height of summer, in the midst of a national lockdown, we had to cope with a baby who just did not want to go to sleep at night.
We tried blackout curtains, lying with him in his room, snuggling him in our bed – nothing worked!
Most nights he would be up until gone 10pm, unwilling to sleep and ready to scream the house down if left.

How did we cope with the leap 10 sleep regression?
As with all the sleep regressions we’ve encountered over the years, we coped by remaining positive and trying to stay as patient as possible.
Yep, it was super annoying that we lost our evenings because we had a little one who needed our attention, but we knew it wouldn’t last forever.
We tried our best to enjoy the extra cuddles and company and let him fall asleep in our arms (eventually) before transferring him to his cot.
Patience is key when developing a strategy to surviving leap 10. It’s so easy to get frustrated, but your toddler cannot help these fussy periods and it’s so important to try to remember that in the grand scheme of things, these fussy periods are a very short fraction of your child’s life.
Of course, the warmer weather and tumultuous daily routine did not help matters whatsoever. We were both trying to work from home with toddlers to look after, all whilst trying to keep things as normal as possible. It really was a strange old time!

How long does leap 10 last?
Leap 10 is a biggie and we noticed that it lasted approximately two months, taking us into August.
The end of the leap 10 sleep regression was a welcome relief as was the appearance of a happier, chattier and more developed little person!

What comes after leap 10?
The Wonder Weeks app and book cover ten leaps, so you may think this is the end of fussy periods for your toddler. Sorry! I’m afraid more fussy periods are to come, including another super fun sleep regression at around 2 years old. Yay! Sorry to be the bearer of bad news!
The good news is, after leap 10 is finished, your toddler will have a few months of happiness and will start using all their new found skills to develop at a crazily rapid speed.
You won’t be able to keep up with all the new words they learn, the stunning relationships they start building with those around them and the motor skills that develop! Your baby really does become a fully fledged toddler!

Surviving leap 10
You can and you will survive leap 10, although it can feel like hell at the time!
Try to remember all of the positive things that come out of each developmental leap every time you feel stressed and if you need a break, find a trusted family member or friend to take the reins.
After the end of this leap, your toddler will start doing so many incredible things. We found that Felix started:
- Using cutlery like a pro!
- Building Duplo all by himself
- Becoming eager to explore the world around him
- Walking longer distances when on day trips out
- Recognising important family members
- Trying his hardest to be helpful (tidying up, putting things in the bin, helping to load the dishwasher)
Good luck with your experience of Wonder Weeks Leap 10 and let us know any hints or tips you have in surviving leap 10 in the comments below!
Read more on our experiences of leaps, by reading all about leap 4, leap 5, leap 6 and leap 7!
Somya Ahuja
Saturday 5th of March 2022
We are in the midst of leap 10 now and oh boy it is tough. Add in teething and oh well 🤯🤯 Your article gives me hope that I just have to be patient for a few more weeks.
Thursday 19th of August 2021
Hi mama.
Thank you so much for posting this article. Really helpful. My 16.5 month old is going through leap 10 and we are currently in the cloudy/lightning week and oh boy it is hard! He usually loves his crib and will sleep by himself but since this week everytime i put him down in his crib he would scream and cry non stop. So since 1 week I had to put him next to me in my bed so that everyone can get some sleep. Now I’m really worried i’ll be developing bad habits like will he get used to sleeping next to me in my bed now? Or will he be sleeping by himself once this leap is over?
Nicola | Mummy to Dex
Saturday 21st of August 2021
Hi Jenna,
I am a firm believer in it being impossible to 'create bad habits'. If your baby needs you right now, giving them the support they need will help them develop emotionally and when this period is over I am sure they will go back to sleeping alone. I remember this period very well and although it was a year ago for us now and some nights Felix does still sleep with us (usually if he's feeling a bit ill or he's had a particularly stressful week eg starting back at nursery after some time off) on the whole he sleeps alone - despite us pretty much co-sleeping for the whole of leap 10.
Good luck!
Tuesday 6th of July 2021
Thank you for this post. So sorry you had all that to go through while in lockdown. We are in the midst of the storm cloud of leap 9 and this has given me some hope at the end of this very long and grumpy tunnel.
Friday 25th of June 2021
My little girl has fussy times and terrible terrible sleep actually stopped when it should have started. The leap must have been early but I did notice that with the other leaps too. With getting ill every other week that I put down to teething and a sleep regression I don’t know how I survived. The 2-3 hours of awake time was a killer. The last month has been our best ever. She’s always woken every 2 to 3 hours but the change now is incredible. I know things can change like a switch but finally we are getting some sleep a year and a half in. It gets better guys, hang in there!
Mum of 3
Wednesday 5th of May 2021
Hi there, we are also in the middle of this leap and the sleep is terrible. My 12 hour a night sleeper is up several times a night for hours and being pregnant I’m really struggling so bringing her into bed with me. Did things go back to normal after the leap ended or did you have to sleep train? I’m really worried im creating bad habits by bringing her into bed with me. Thanks ?
Nicola | Mummy to Dex
Tuesday 11th of May 2021
Hi Samantha,
Things went back to normal not long after this leap. I remember how hard it is being pregnant and having a toddler to look after. I hope you get through this leap quickly!